
november 6th:

another month another blog entry

soooo i got ghosted on the job interview i was given indication of which sucks. and [UNNAMED CRAFT STORE] also completely ignored my application which was real nice of them, but whatever, life goes on. i DO have a few alternatives lined up, including a place in the next town over that a friend of mine works at, so hopefully she can put a good word in for me bc higher than minimum wage + tips + free food + decent scheduling would be nice. i'm also applying to [CLASSIFIED] and [EXPUNGED] since one i'd actually probably enjoy working at decently enough and the other is like. dead enough that it probably wouldn't be super busy at any point? but at the same time the company is on shaky financial footing and i'd rather not be out of a job at any point soon once i'm employed.

this past month has honestly been super fun. around halloween but not on the day of, my friend and i went to emo night at a local bar and it was really fun. the bands playing were local and really good, we ended up getting CDs for the main act and they came w free stickers, so i put mine on my bass. i also met someone who went to high school with me and even graduated the same year as me, which basically NEVER happens bc my graduating class was literally less than 20 people. it was kind of nuts lol. now we are instagram mutuals and i should probably message them to hang out soon once i have like. job money. afterward my friend and i got wendys and got high and then got what i guess would count as brunch considering it was 11am and we were eating donuts and burgers once we woke up. it was a really good time.

on halloween, i went as a vampire bat (basically just a vampire outfit but i added these cute bat ears i have) and mostly just handed out candy. my mom bought a TON so despite us getting decent traffic, I had to hand it out by the fistful and still didn't get all of it handed out. costume highlights of the night included:

  • whole gaggle of demon slayer kids, oldest sister was shinobu with the younger two being tanjiro and nezuko. the oldest said 'arigatou' when i recognized their costumes which was funny. it's cool that kids these days can cosplay and have people actually recognize their costumes, it was absolutely not that way when i was younger
  • kid in a spartan costume, to which i responded 'oh like from red vs blue'. kid did NOT know what red vs blue was so i had to pivot to 'oh like from halo!', though when i mentioned rvb the mom turned to the dad and was like SEE! and i was like. does this mom know what rvb is. am i wintessing a disagreement between gamer parents.
  • THE WORLD'S TINIEST NINJA TURTLE... kid was just barely big enough to walk, he was SO tiny. i'm pretty sure he was leonardo? my tmnt knowledge is shaky at best, all i know is 'alright, who put a sundried tomato in the turtle bank' tbh
  • then around 9 i got a call from my bestie with a spontaneous invitation to our friend's haunted house, which i gladly tagged along for since it had been a while since the four of us had gotten to meet up. the haunted house was awesome and it was so nice to catch up. that's also where i got the job reccomendation lol. once my bestie and i each got home we hopped on discord and watched elvira together which was fun.

    i'm also busting my ASS on holiday gifts for all my college buds bc i have too much free time and i wanted to channel that into something useful. so far i've made custom CDs and lanyards for everyone, and i'm currently still working on perlers. they take forever but the end product is nice so it's worth the time and effort.

    then this past weekend was SUPER fun. so to start off, my bestie and i drove out to see a play that one of our friends was in, and she did a KILLER job in that show. her acting was top notch and she led the musical numbers that she was lead on wonderfully. also, the set was GORGEOUS and implemented so many creative ways of communicating the setting that i wouldn't have even thought of. we ended up all going to [REDACTED 24-HOUR BREAKFAST ESTABLISHMENT, FAMOUS FOR THE WHAT THE FUCK IS UP HARDCORE SHOW AT IT'S HOUSTON LOCATION] as a treat, then once we split off to go sleep after a long day, we slept over at my friend ryan's place. ...not before getting EXTREMELY lost trying to find parking, no thanks to google maps.

    then in the morning the four of us that slept at ryan's place, we went and got late breakfast/brunch at a local diner that was super tasty. we were originally going to go to [SEMI-LOCAL CHAIN] but we were unfortunately beat there by the catholic church and the wait was SUPER long. the place we ended up going was very tasty and very worth seeking out. i had french toast with nutella and strawberries and ice cream which felt super decadent but was surprisingly not when i tracked it? i guess a lot of the calories in breakfast combos come from the home fries and meat which this didn't have by default and i decided not to order just since i figured i'd be satisfied with just the french toast. i ended up having to make myself bacon and eggs at like 11 that night to not be super low on calories

    we then all parted ways aside from my bestie and i since she was my ride. we ended up hitting up the target in the area to try to find the cute halloween throw that i bought for her 2 years ago, as I wanted one for myself, but it was a bust. then we got cbtl bc neither of us had the greatest sleep (he's a light sleeper at any new place and the scratchiness of the air mattress i was on against the hard floor kept waking me up) and peppermint mochas sounded tasty. then we drove home and got back in at about 4pm iirc? and SOMEHOW i still had the energy to do dishes and laundry once i got home which was nuts.

    today i did a bit of mall-walking with my sibling, got a few things at hot topic that i had been thinking about getting and did some window shopping elsewhere. i'm also making moves to continue my patch jacket project i had going awhile ago but got stuck on once i realized it needed shoulder pads and i needed to figure out how to change the tint/undertone of the jacket.

    but yeah!! lots i've been doing and lots to still do. meeting up with friends again next month and this time it will be all of us which is exciting, since we haven't had a full-group meetup since before i graduated and moved back to my hometown. i can't wait to give everyone their gifts!! :D

    OH ALSO the order i had for happypills and super moon finally shipped! i was worried that happypills might be out of stock but i was in luck! unfortunately missed first pressing for visions and afterthoughts, but oh well, i'll get them eventually.