
august 22:

new meds are giving me a hard time... for the past few days i've had a lot of trouble staying awake during the day and i keep waking up during regular sleep hours. that and it's killing my appetite. BUT! from what i've read these should be temporary side effects and they should slowly go away over the next month or two which is a relief. just gotta tough it out for a while!!

today's the last day of my class, our group paper is basically done aside from a title. there are a few things wrong with it but tbh i dont care enough to fix them, esp considering it'd take some considerable format fuckery to actually fix them. it's mostly solid and i did my parts well so we should be fine. then i'm done with college! and i have to start working. boo.

considering talking to my brother about like. what he did between college and grad school, if anything. bc like aside from working dead-end retail idek what to do w my degree in the meantime while i figure out whether grad school is an option/what i'd want to do w it. i've been considering going into school counseling but idk.

my professor from this last class emailed me after a zoom meeting to tell me she was impressed with my understanding of research methods and statistics tho, so maybe i'll look into research jobs.

sure as fuck not going into ABA tho holy shit. it pays well but i've heard far too many horror stories from people who grew up in ABA, AND the people who were recommending it to me were like 'oh yeah you're totally on your own and they rarely do performance reviews' and im like??? no overview or review AND they're having undergrads and post-grads do this shit? not even grad students or ppl w masters already?? wtf!!!! no wonder so many people have had a bad time with it. what the fuck.

aside from irl stuff tho, i made more progress on my site! i added a splatoon shrine page and a music player to the site. mostly chill anime and game ost stuff. still brainstorming what to do with it next. i like the layout but it is a template, so maybe i'll look into making my own site design. i should also make a better directory.

i also ordered myself the callie and marie amiibo as a reward for finally actually graduating! i wanted them so bad back in high school but they were SUPER expensive in the aftermarket for so long i couldn't justify it. BUT i was able to snag them for like $20 which was a very good find. they'll be here tomorrow, just in time for finishing my class >w<

the callie and marie amiibo from splatoon

here are the amiibo in-hand! :D